- 論文の詳細を見る
Early phase of slug's olfactory information processing occurs on an oscillatory network showing rhythmic activites. We found that the network consists of three different oscillator systems; tentacle, terminal mass and cell layer oscillators. The tentacle oscillators changed the oscillation amplitude during odor presentation. The nerve cutting experiment revealed that the neural activity in the tentacle ganglion modulates the coherency between the terminal and cell mass oscillators. Furthermore, it was revealed that the change of coherency between the cell mass and the terminal mass oscillators also modulates the spatio-temporal oscillatory behavior of cell layer oscillator network. It was shown that aversively learned odors applied to the inferior tentacle changed the spatio-temporal oscillatory behavior of cell layer oscillator network. Based on these facts, we speculated that learned odors changed the coherency between the cell mass and the terminal mass oscillators and induced changes in spatio-temporal oscillatory behavior of the cell mass oscillator network.
- 日本生物物理学会の論文
- 1998-09-25
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