English Pronunciation Reasoning by NN Considering Frequency Distribution of Phonemes
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Abstract English pronunciation is decided by not only alphabet but also the position in a word. Because to guess pronunciation of an unknown word is difficult, to develop a system is of great significance. Many methods have been proposed for English pronunciation reasoning (EPR). They have been reasoned only from spelling the words. We aim at improving reasoning accuracy by adding frequency of appearance of phonemes to spelling. The accuracy of EPR comes up from 85.43% to 86.39%
- 宮崎大学の論文
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Higashi Yusuke
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture The Univerisity Of Tokyo
Higashi Yusuke
Department Of Computer Science And Systems Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Miyazaki University
YASUNAGA Moritoshi
Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
Yoshihara Ikuo
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Yasunaga Moritoshi
Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, Tsukuba University
Yasunaga Moritoshi
Graduate School Of Systems And Information Engineering University Of Tsukuba
Yasunaga Moritoshi
Institute Of Information Sciences And Electronics Tsukuba University
Yasunaga Moritoshi
The Institute Of Information Sciences And Electronics University Of Tsukuba
Yasunaga Moritoshi
Institute Of Information Science And Electronics University Of Tsukuba
Yoshihara Ikuo
Department Of Computer And Science And Systems Engineering Miyazaki University
Zhu Hanxi
Graduate School of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Yamanori Kunihito
Department of computer science and system engineering, Miyazaki University
Zhu H
Graduate School Of Engineering Miyazaki University
Kamimai Yoshiyuki
Faculty Of Engineering University Of Miyazaki
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