樺太アイヌ語の母音の長短と北海道アイヌ語のピッチアクセントとの史的関係(1) : 両アイヌ方言の音韻における史的関係の解明に向けての研究序説
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This study is a preliminary research on the historicai relationship of the pitch accentsystem of Hokkaide Ainu and the vowel length system of Sakhalin Ainu. There are twoopposing theories on the phonological features of Prote-Ainu, Hatteri Shiro's Vowel LengthTheory(1967) and Vovin's Vewel Length and Pitch Accent Theory(l993): Hattori proposedthat Proto-Ainu should have a phonological distinction between long and short vowels withoutpitch accent; on the other hand, Vovin proposed that Proto-Ainu had a phonological distinctionnot only between long and short vowels but alse between high and low pitch accents. Thispaper suggests that Proto-Ainu had both vowel length and pitch accent as the phonologicalfeatures, which supports Vevin's theory.
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