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Japan has become, with unbelievable speed, a country which enjoys having most oldest people in the world, and is becoming a country where the share of old people is getting large with also the highest speed ever. The major part of recreation [leisure] problems in Japan is the study how to cope with the increasing aged people.The purpose of this paper is to compare the "vacation and after- retirement" in Europe and USA with that in Japan. I hope this study would be helpful to devise a counterplan for aqed people in Japan. 日本は人類史上に類を見ぬ速度で世界一の長寿国となり,同じく世界史上空前の速度で老人国へと突入しつつあり,わが国に於けるレジャー問題の過半が急増する老人の老後対策と見なされている。本論の目的は海外のリゾート地に見られる欧米余暇先進国民の「休暇,引退,余生」のとり方,送り方と日本人のそれとを比較考量し,日本人の老後対策に資せんとするものである。
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