- 論文の詳細を見る
Using the concepts of Van der Wyk's equation for the viscosity of binary liquid mixtures, we have developed a theory for the intrinsic viscosity for low-molecular regular solutions, with a conclusion that, for regular solutions of a given low-molecular compound, the intrinsic viscosity [μ] should depend not only upon solvent power but also upon the square of the molar volume of solvent, V and therefore, the greater the value of [μ]/V^2, the higher should be solvent power. Evidence in support of this has been presented from specific viscosity determinations on solutions of naphthalene in nonpolar solvents for which the solubilities of naphthalene are known. There has been recently accumulated experimental evidence that, for a given polymer, the intrinsic viscosity is not necessarily symbatic with solvent power, and this leads us to conceive that the intrinsic viscosity of polymer solutions, like that of low-molecular regular solutions, may be affected, not only by, solvent power but also by the molar volume of solvent. From measurements of the intrinsic viscosity of polystyrene in benzene-tricrecylphosphate and in benzene-dibutylphthalate and from the experimental data obtained recently by several workers concerning the intrinsic viscosity and the osmotic pressure-concentration relation of polymer solutions, it has been perceived that, for a given polymer, [μ]/V^n, where n lies between 1 and 2, is a better measure of solvent power than [μ], because the former remains always to be symbatic with solvent power even in the cases where the latter is found to be not so. A theoretical interpretation of this conclusion has been given and it has been shown that the value of n in the above-mentioned measure of solvent power, i.e. in [μ]/V^n should depend on the geometrical form of polymer in extremely dilute solution and should lie between 1 and 2. (Received December 8, 1952)
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- 1953-02-28
- 無聲放電によつて生ずる油類の化學變化
- グリースに関する物理化学的研究 : (II)スクアランを基油としたリチウム石鹸グリースおよびベントン・ グリースの耐寒性並びにその他の性状
- グリースに関する物理化学的研究 : (I)グリースの離漿についての流動学的研究
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- p-トルエン・スルフォアマイド樹脂に関する研究(I) : p-トルエン・スルフォアマイドとフォルムアルデヒドとの附加反応の動力学
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