Relaxation of Chemical Equilibrium in Gases flowing through de Laval Nozzle
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Specific impulse of a certain propellant system depends on the situation of the chemical equilibrium in the gases flowing through the rocket nozzle. The situation can be divided into two extreme cases; in one of them, the chemical equilibria are maintained during the rapid expansion through the nozzle, and in the other, the chemical equilibria are frozen. Specific impulses of various propellants in the above two cases have been calculated, and the difference between them is discussed. Next, the third case, where the chemical equilibria is relaxed by way of the expansion process through the nozzle, is considered. The fundamental flow equations are introduced in this case, and as an example of the nozzle flow with chemical equilibria relaxed, specific impulse and other flow parameters of hydrogen gas are calculated numerically. The conditions, that the chemical relaxation occurs in the course of the nozzle flow, are illustrated, and it is ascertained that the chemically relaxed flow can be considered as the flow with the chemical equilibria suddenly frozen at a certain position of the nozzle. In order to know the state of chemical equilibria in the practical rocket nozzle, the exhaust temperature of JP-4/nitric acid engine, whose chamber pressure is 20 atm. and throat to exit area ratio is 3.63,has been measured. The approximate analysis shows that the relaxation of chemical equilibria occures at a position of the nozzle, T≒2600゜K and p≒10 atm. in the case of O/F=5.0.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
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