リンゴモンハマキ性フェロモントラップの発生予察への利用に関する研究 : II. 予察灯とフェロモントラップの比較
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Sex pheromone traps were found to be more useful for the sampling of Archippus breviplicanus for forecasting than light traps. The sex pheromone traps enabled to recover 32.5% of the marked males during one night, a value which was about 10 times higher than that obtained with light traps (3.6%). Most males were caught with the sex pheromone and the light traps at 19-20 hr in late May, at 0-1 hr in early June, at 2-3 hr in the first generation, and at 3-4 hr in the second generation. Seasonal profiles of male catches with sex pheromone and light traps, such as dates of 50% catch and of the peak of moving average for 5 days, corresponded well to each other in the first and second generations. In the overwintered generation, however, the catches with pheromone traps preceded those with the light traps, because the light trap was less effective than the sex pheromone trap in the early cool season. Among the annual records of total catches with sex pheromone and light traps, a high positive correlation was obtained for the overwintered generations (r^2=0.977), though no signiflcant correlation was found for the first and second generations.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1987-05-25
- 性フェロモン物質の捕集とガスクロマトグラフによる分析のこころみ
- モモシンクイガの合成性フェロモンのほ場における誘引性
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- F40 交信撹乱法によるモモシンクイガの防除(フェロモン・生理活性物質・行動学)
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