- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper (1962 a), the authors studied the influence of larval aggregation of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, upon its survival. In the present paper, the authors intented to know the influence of the synchrony of hatching of individual eggs within an egg mass on the formation of larval group in a paddy stalk and on the behaviour of larvae from hatching to aggregation at the first feeding site. These experiments were carried out under the natural condition of room temperature and natural daylength. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1) Hatching of eggs within an egg mass of large size was well synchronized and it took 13 minutes in average for completion of hatching in contrast with a small one of 20 minutes, in which the variation of hatching time between first and last in each mass was great. 2) When an egg mass of large size was separated into some pieces at 2 days before hatching, any neighbouring piece did not hatch one after another, but hatched independently and it took time more than 2 hours from the beginning of hatching of the first piece to the completion of the last one. Therefore, the time from hatching to its completion was greatly protracted. 3) When several eggs within a large sized egg mass was killed by needle at random 2 days before hatching, the time between the first and the last hatching in a mass was also greatly protracted and it took time more than 1 hour. 4) At the 3rd day after hatch the degree of larval aggregation in a rice plant stalk was maximum in the large sized egg mass and the minimun in the mass where several eggs were killed randomly by needle. 5) In most instances, the larvae tended to move toward the tip of rice plant leaf. Some remained motionless there, others turned around and followed the leaf surface back to the base of the leaf and one of these larvae which reached to the feeding site (leaf sheath), wandered around here and there for a moment, thereafter it confluented with others. The larval group was gradually enlarged in its size and established at the feeding site. An isolated larva could not feed. When the hatching of eggs within an egg mass was well synchronized, the degree of larval aggregation was high. On the other hand, if the synchrony of hatching was disturbed by such a factor as parasitization, establishment of aggregation was also disturbed. It is concluded that synchrony of hatching and the behaviour of newly hatched larvae influence the size of larval group and larval survival.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1962-09-30
- B229 インゲンテントウの生態と防除に関する研究 : 4.野外における発生生態(病理学・微生物的防除 生活史・分布)
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- 3 ニカメイガ卵塊卵粒数の変異とその生存価について, 塊状分布をする害虫の個体群生態学的研究 (2)(昭和36年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- D58 オオニジュウヤホシテントウ群の生態学的研究II : 害虫、非害虫の産卵数および有郊積算温度の比較(生理学)
- G23 カルタップ(パダン^[○!R])水溶剤・ペースト肥料側条施用法と魚介類に対する安全性(防除技術)
- スクミリンゴガイ(Pomacea canaliculata)の摂食活動に対するカルタップおよびベンスルタップの阻害作用
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- ニカメイチュウの卵塊性幼虫集団に関する生態学的研究
- 26 ニカメイガのふ化の斉一度と幼虫集団の形成(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 25 ニカメイチュウ卵塊性幼虫集団の大きさと生存価(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- D21 高山に生息するマツハバチの生態学的研究 : (I)生活史及び生存曲線(生理学)
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- A55 野外ケージを用いたナガメとヒメナガメの単独区と混合区での2種の生存率および成虫サイズにおよぼす自種および他種の影響(生態学・行動学)
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- 156 集合生活をする昆虫に対する天敵の働き方(生態学, 昭和41年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- ナガメEurydema rugosaの卵のふ化斉一性について
- ニジュウヤホシテントウとオオニジュウヤホシテントウの卵塊性集団の生態的性質について
- 136 ニジュウヤホシテントウとオオニジュウヤホシテントウの卵塊性集団の生態的性質の比較(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 集合生活をする害虫の量的発生予察に対する一考察(III 害虫の発生予察)
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