- 論文の詳細を見る
A gall midge which attacks the mycelium of "Hiratake, " the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, was recently found in Miyazaki Prefecture, and was identified as a paedogenetic species of the genus Mycophila, which is new to Japan. Although this species is quite small in size (wing length about 0.9mm), the ovarian eggs are relatively large (major axis 0.25mm) and few (4-6) in number. Larvae exhibited variations in body length and colour, and in the presence or absence of the sternal spatula. The time required to complete one paedogenetic cycle was 4-5 days at 25℃. The number of young larvae produced by a mother larva varied from 2 to 33,depending on the different breeding conditions. The reproduction rate of larval paedogenesis was highest at 27℃, followed by 22℃ and 17℃, and every low at 12℃. The larvae also reproduced well by feeding on mycelia of other fungus species than P.ostreatus, such as "Kikurage, " Auricularia auriculajudae, "Nameko, " Pholiota nameko, and mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. This indicates that the gall midge has a potentiality to become a pest of various edible fungi in Japan. The midge population which was first sound in Miyazaki Prefecture has been completely eradicated from the factory by spraying an insecticide.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1986-02-25
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- 「群れろ!-昆虫に学ぶ集団の知恵-」, 藤崎憲治・鳥飼否宇, (2008), エヌ・ティー・エス, B6判, 263頁, 本体価格1,600円, (ISBN978-4-86043-185-3 C0040)
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