ヤノネカイガラムシUnaspis yanonensis個体数の園内樹間と樹内におけるバラツキについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The number of Unaspis yanonensis individuals on every leaf or fruit of 38 citrus trees were counted in an experimental field. By using these data, it was clarified statistically that the density of U. yanonensis between trees changed according to a gamma distribution and the number of individuals on each leaf or each fruit within a tree changed according to a negative binomial distribution. These information will be used to build a system model and to set up the initial situation by using random numbers generated by the statistical distributions. Biological implications of the parameters contained in those statistical distributions were discussed ; especially it was found that the value of parameter k of the negative binomial distribution, which fitted with the observed count of U. yanonensis individuals, changed with the density on trees, but the value "k/the density" did not change between trees. Based on this finding, a simpler method to estimate the density by using the 0-term of negative binomial distribution was derived. The relationship between the density per leaf and that per fruit was well represented by a regression line. The aggregation of individuals on leaves was higher than that on fruit. The effect of pruning of citrus tree on the density and distribution of Unaspis was also studied.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1975-06-25
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- 生物統計学, Robert R.SOKAL, F.James ROHLF 著, 藤井宏一訳, (1983), 共立出版, 東京, 449pp., 6,800円
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- ヤノネカイガラムシUnaspis yanonensis個体数の園内樹間と樹内におけるバラツキについて
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- タイトル無し