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This report presents the analysis of somatic and psychic factors in the coronary patients (240 of angina pectoris, 363 of acute myocardial infarction) treated at St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, since 1952.The physical factors were studied about following matters : age at onset of symptoms, sex, ratio of males to females, body physique, body weight, incidence of diabetes mellitus and of hypertension, and fundal findings.Laboratory studies included serum cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose tolerance test.To investigate psychological and emotional factors in these patients, author utilized primary personal interviews, behavior pattern of Fredman, Rosenman's and Yatabe-Guiford personal inventry scale.Environmental factors were also studied with personal interviews.Results : (1) Male and female ratio of acute myocardial infarction shortened in recent years (2.4 : 1 during 1965〜1974,6 : 1 during 1952〜1964) which suggested increasing social acitivity of Japanese women.(2) Psysical factors such as obesity (female only), diabetes mellitus, hypertension, retinal angiosclerosis, hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia were predominantly demonstrated.(3) Emotional factors were divided in two types such as acute, transient emotional stress and long standing tension.(4) Specific personality in these Japanese coronary patients were such as honest, strict with social responsibility and an emotionalist. They used to have no hobby. These factors seemed to resemble Dunber's coronary personality. Neurotic patients were rare.Conclusion : It is obvious such factors as physical, emotional and environmental factors tend to produce coronary arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease in certain specific personalities.
- 1976-04-01
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