職場のメンタルヘルスのあり方 : ストレス対処を含めた全人的アプローチ必要性(職場のメンタルヘルス)(第32回日本心身医学会総会)
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Recently, Mental Health in places of work seems to include not only health care for mental disorders but also prevention of and coping with stress related diseases. There are, however, many difficult practical problems in this field. We have developed a stress checklist 86 (SCL-86) and stress management programs for occupational health. We have also performed a shortterm health promotion seminar at a hot spring resort. I would like to discuss practical stress management and a holistic approach to mental health at work. 1) Developement of a stress checklist 86 (SCL-86) : This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the stress tolerance of an individual as a system, according to measurement of both 'psychosocial stressor' and 'stress reaction'. In the comparative study of Cornell Medial Index (CMI), the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and SCL-86 test batteries, it is concluded that the SCL-86 has a good criterion-related valididy and that this questionnaire is a useful new tool for measurement of an individual's ability to tolerate stress. 2) Stress management programs for occupational health : We have performed stress management programs for occupational health, which include an educational approach to health care, relaxation techniques such as Autogenic Training and increased self-awareness of stress using the SCL-86. The majority of the participants in these programs have reported that they have a good chance to become more aware of their stressful situations and their responses to stress. 3) Short-term health promotion seminar at a hot spring resort : This program includes dietary control, exercise, spa bathing, relaxation training and health counseling. Although the term of these health promotion programs was limited to 5-6 days, there was significant improvement of physical and mental conditions and subsequent improvement of life style. Therefore, it is concluded that these health promotion programs at a hot spring resort are useful for prevention of stress related diseases and health promotion. From the experinces of these stress management programs, I would like to emphasize that our holistic approach is valuable for mental health in occupational site.
- 1992-04-01
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