- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, many studieds have been reported in which a sleep-wake rhythm was regarded as an index of circadian rhythm. Also from the clinical view-pont, judgement of a style of sleep-wake rhythm is becoming more necessary. It is said that there are two styles of human behavior : the morning type and the evening type. Using Oquist's Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (M-E Questionnaire), we have reported that there was no problem concerning its validity and reliability when we used it in Japan, and that was a close relationship between the style of human behavior and aging. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between the style of human behavior and the human character. Seventy-nine remitted patients (38 males and 41 females) were judged as to their behavior types Oquist's M-E Questionnaire in Japanese. Though the original questionnaire has 19 questions, we used 16 questions as the remaining 3 questions had significantly lower validity as we reported before. According to the total score of the 16 questions, behavior types were divided into 3 types : Evening type (total score of less than 36), Neither type (37-53), and Morning type (more than 54). At the same time we investigated the character type of the cases using Cornell Medical Index (CMI) in Japanese, and compared the results of CMI as to each behavior type. The results were as follows : (1) The cases of evening type complained more somatic disturbances and disturbances of moods and feelings than the cases of morning type. (2) Significant correlations were found between the scores of 4 items of CMI, namely, "fatigability", "frequency of illness", "inadequacy", and "anger", and the scores of M-E Questionnaire. Some authors have reported that there are a marked tendency of irregular style of sleep-wake rhythm in cases of evening types compared to the cases of morning types, and this fact is supposed to have a close relationship to our results that the cases of evening types complain more than the cases of morning types somatic disturbances and disturbances of moods and feelings. But as it is not clear whether the behavior type decides the character or the character decides the behavior type, further investigation is neccessary concerning to this issue.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1991-06-01
- 境界性人格障害を有する摂食障害者の衝動性の評価 : ソンディ・テストによる検討
- 15.摂食障害の1症例における衝動構造の変化について : Szondi testよりの考察(第15回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- 2.抜毛症に対する遊戯療法の試み(第16回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- I-D-25 睡眠-覚醒リズム(朝型-夜型)からみたYG所見について(臨床心理・睡眠)
- I-C-9 アセトアミノフェン法による胃排出能の評価 : 2.マレイン酸トリメブチンの効果(消化器II)
- 21.摂食障害の集団認知療法(第2報)(第16回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- 18.低栄養状態において肝炎様の肝機能異常を呈した神経性食思不振症の2例(第15回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- II-E-47 総合診療部から精神神経科への紹介(精神科I)
- II-D-53 施設入所中の老人におけるうつ状態の検討(老年期)
- 3.簡易精神療法的アプローチが有効と考えられた難治性胃潰瘍の1例(第15回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- 12.向精神薬服用患者の RR 間隔(第9回日本心身医学会中国四国地方会演題抄録)
- 向精神薬服用患者のRR間隔(基礎・精神生理ほか(2))
- I-D-23 健常者におけるmicrovibration再現性の検討(精神生理)
- I-C-8 アセトアミノフェン法による胃排出能の評価 : 1.健常者およびうつ病患者における検討(消化器II)
- IIC-11 てんかん発作重延状態を呈した2症例について
- 睡眠-覚醒リズム(朝型-夜型)からみたCMI所見
- 活動性リズム (朝型-夜型) からみた CMI 所見 : 第13回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録
- 質問紙を用いた朝型-夜型の判定法に関する検討
- I-E1-15 精神疾患の診断別にみた、行動リズムの朝型夜型について(精神神経科)