- 論文の詳細を見る
The paper of Chisholm et al. (1978) reported that newborn irritability assessed with the Brazelton Scale was related to maternal blood pressure during pregnancy. This irritability, among behavioral characteristics, is recognized as one of the most important factors that have a significant influence on infant-environment interactions in the course of its development. In order to explore the relationships between some perinatal factors, including maternal blood pressure, and newborn behavior, the present study was designed to investigate whether newborn behavior assessed on the basis of the state change during the sucking experiment of a tube-like nipple had any relationship with the perinatal factors represented in terms of perinatal risk scores and maternal blood pressure. The results obtained are as follows : (1) there was a statistically significant negative correlation of perinatal risk scores with the scores of "adaptation", one of the three behavioral patterns designated as such by us on the factor analytic basis; and (2) there was a statistically significant negative correlation between the maximum M.A.P. (Mean Arterial Pressure) in the 2nd trimester during pregnancy and the frequency of state change, and a statistically significant positive correlation between the maximum M.A.P. in teh 2nd trimester and the scores of "adaptation" mentioned above. From these findings it is suggested that maternal blood pressure, not to speak of perinatal risk factors, may exert some influence on newborn behavior such as irritability even in the different directions, that is, not only in negative as Chisholm et al. mentioned but also positive ways.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1981-04-01
- 母親の乳児の泣き声の知覚に関する研究
- 育児態度検査の試作
- 妊娠時母体血圧と新生児行動との関連について
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- 幼児期の仲間関係の発達の年代的変化(2)
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- 養護教諭からみた現代の児童--保健室を訪れる児童のタイプとその対応
- 教師からみた現代の児童--小学校教諭と養護教諭の児童観
- 教師の児童観--とくに友だち関係と学校適応について (特集 1999年度研究大会シンポジウム 病める子どもたち)
- 予期的育児態度と親準備性
- 乳児期における育児上の気がかりの検討
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- 血友病性出血と気象変動 : 血友病性関節内出血への気温変動の影響
- 1127 障害児をもつ母親の異常の認知と育児態度(養育・指導,障害4)
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- 283 改訂版育児態度検査の作成(養育態度,発達9,口頭発表)
- 448 乳児の行動評定に及ぼす母親の育児態度の影響(人格6,人格)
- 402 母親用パーソナリティ検査の試作(II)(人格1 人格評価I,研究発表)
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- 410 育児態度検査の信頼性と妥当性の検討(人格(2),口頭発表)
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