うつ病の生化学的研究 : カテコールアミン代謝の立場から
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When carrying out a biochemical study on depression it is essential to investigate amine metabolism as well as its related enzymes in depressive patients. In his study the author presented the findings on the change of urine catecholamine and serum DβH-inhibitor in endogenous depression and intended to clarify their pathogenetic significance.The subjects were 34 cases of endogenous depressive patients. The author developed a new technique for measuring urine catecholamine and serum DβH-inhibitor. The former was done using native flourescence liquid chromatography systems and the latter, by spectrum photometry.It was discovered that the concentration values of urine catecholamine in depressive patients were lower than those of the control group and there was a negative correlation between the urinary noradrenaline level and Hamilton Rating Score. Compared with the control group, significantly higher levels of DβH-inhibitor were observed in the depressive patient group.In this findings, the author reported that DβH-inhibitor acted as a kind of contrl for noradrenaline biosynthesis which was significant for the pathogenesis of a depressive state. They postulate the important role of understanding the noradrenaline theory of endogenous depression.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1981-04-01
- A-134 神経芽細胞腫のカテコラミン代謝に関する臨床的研究(第1報)
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- 40 神経芽細胞腫におけるTryptophan代謝(第2報)
- 33 Hirschsprung病の生化学的診断と神経刺激伝達機序の研究 : c-GMP, c-AMPを中心に
- 247 Hirschsprung症における、血中及び組織Cholinesterase活性の検討
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- 内因性うつ病の生化学的研究 : カテコールアミン代謝の立場から(うつ病)
- うつ病の生化学的研究 : カテコールアミン代謝の立場から
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