- 論文の詳細を見る
The author has long recognized the importance of hatred, anger and aggression in the causation of ishiadic or trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal myalgia, lumbago, etc., and has accordingly treated the patients with these complaints from the viewpoint of psychosomatic medicine.The patient discussed in the text is a business-man aged. He has made a considerable fortune after his life-long hard worh and endurance which allowed him nothing like hobby except for a little drink at supper. His role as the master of a family, on the other hand, gave him a dignity and a means to satisfy his need of self-assertion. The retirement from business endangered expectedly his psychological security. His claim to remain a superior to his family was bitterly frustrated. As a result, somatic complaints-lumbago and heart seizure-were produced and invited the prohibition from drinking by his physician which distinctly precipitated his symptoms.The author tried to persuade him and his family of the psychosomatic character of his illness and of the innocence of alcohol, and also to restore his pride and authority as she heap of his family. In a single week, the author found him animated and free of all the symptoms which had persisted for long. He has been enjoying good health for several years since that time. It is postulated that his aggressive trait which was generated in the childhood under his auther and used to find outlet in his self-assetive behavior in the family circle had been prevented from its usual expression after the retirement from business with the result of outbreak of somatic complaints.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1968-08-01
- 6.気管支喘息の予後を左右する因子について(その1)(喘息:喘息一般・統計)
- 2.地域社会におけるアレルギークリニック(喘息:喘息一般・統計)
- 12.アレルギークリニックにおける小児反復性気道感染傾向の臨床的観察(喘息:喘息一般・統計)
- 精神身体医学における心理療法の反省
- 精神療法的アプローチにより治癒した難治の神経痛兼心臓神経症(心房細動)の治験例
- 長S状結腸, 巨大結腸の臨床的意義について
- 心身医学と子供の教育 : サマーヒル学園を訪れて
- 長S状結腸, 巨大結腸の臨床的意義について
- 消化器領域における医原性疾患について(追加発言)(医原性疾患 第6回日本精神身体医学会総会より)
- 41.気管支喘息におけるheparin吸入療法およびその作用機序について(喘息:治療)
- 49)ベーチェット症候群患者の治験例(心身医学的アプローチによる)(臨床各科)(一般演題抄録・質疑応答)(第9回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- 開業医における PMS の臨床の実際(特別発言)(第5回日本精神身体医学会シンポジウムPSM臨床の実際)
- 62)胃下垂症の本態に関する心身医学的臨床考察
- 心療内科(中央公論社, 中公新書, \200)
- 38)臨床観察による慢性胃炎の実態
- 20)胃カメラ診断1600例の統計より見た慢性胃疾患の実態(第2回日本精神身体医学会総会講演抄録(2))