- 論文の詳細を見る
In the middle of May, 1983,228 overwintered adults of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali SCOTT were collected from a mulberry field, and were reared in containers in an insect chamber at 22±1℃ and under a 16 L-8 D photoperiod regime. In each rearing container two females and two males were supplied with several raw peanuts and water. Rapid decrease in the survival rate of males and females was observed 50 days after the start of the rearing. Mean survival duration of males and females was 85.9±34.8 SD and 90.6±3l.5 SD days, respectively. The average number of eggs and egg masses deposited by a female was estimated to be 461.6 and 36.4,respectively. The daily number of eggs deposited by a female increased during the first 20 days and fluctuated within the range of 6.5±0.7 SD eggs during the next 50 days, then it decreased subsequently. The net reproductive rate (R_o) was estimated at 231.7. Although the mean size of the egg masses was 12.7±4.9 SD, egg mass size of 14 was maximum in frequency. Therefore, it is concluded that the typical size of the egg mass was fourteen in this species. The mean size of the egg mass slightly decreased with the adult age. The frequency of egg masses deposited on different sites in a rearing container also varied with the adult age. Although most of the egg masses were deposited on two-folded papers and on the surface of the rearing container, the frequency on the former increased and it decreased on the latter as the adult became older. The oviposition mostly took place during the time between 3 hr before and 1 hr after the beginning of the dark period.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1985-11-25
- タイリクヒメハナカメムシの成虫と卵の同時放飼法による定着促進効果
- 春期の雑草におけるナミヒメハナカメムシの発生パターン
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- E218 地域天敵資源の有効利用 : ソルゴーのフェノロジーとアブラムシ群集
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- D206 施設栽培バラにおけるハダニ類の生物的防除 : 農家施設での普及
- D202 半促成施設栽培ナスにおける総合的害虫管理 : タイリクヒメハナカメムシの利用(一般講演)
- D215 和歌山県におけるナモグリバエ寄生蜂を利用したトマトハモグリバエの防除
- 地域天敵資源を活用した生物的防除 (物理的・生物的手法による害虫防除の最近の話題)
- E308 タバココナジラミ(バイオタイプQ)の生物的防除 : 3.カタバミコナジラミとその土着天敵の発育特性および繁殖特性
- F211 タバココナジラミ(バイオタイプQ)の生物的防除 : 2.カタバミコナジラミの土着天敵
- D214 Summer diapause of Chrysocharis pubicornis, a parasitoid of leafminers
- D119 地域天敵資源を活用した生物的防除 : おとりトラップによる有効性評価(一般講演)
- D118 地域天敵資源を活用した天敵利用技術 : 第4の生物的防除戦略として(一般講演)
- G319 土着天敵活用による露地ナスでの総合的害虫管理 : 選択性殺虫剤は天敵に影響を及ぼすのか?(一般講演)
- E215 促成栽培ピーマンでの天敵を利用した総合的害虫管理 : 農家圃場での実証試験(防除法 害虫管理 IPM)
- C202 ナモグリバエからLiriomyza属ハモグリバエ類への土着天敵による寄主転換(寄生・捕食 生物的防除)
- C108 地域天敵資源を活用したハモグリバエ類の生物的防除 : 2. エンドウの播種時期および葉位による土着天敵相と寄生率の違い(寄生・捕食 生物的防除)
- C106 促成キュウリのトマトハモグリバエに対するハモグリミドリヒメコバチの放飼効果(寄生・捕食 生物的防除)
- 露地野菜害虫に対する天敵の利用--今後の課題 (特集号:天敵の利用)
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- A303 冬期施設ナスにおける捕食性ハナカメムシWollastoniella rotundaの幼虫放飼によるミナミキイロアザミウマの生物的防除(寄生・捕食生物的防除)
- チャバネアオカメムシの卵寄生蜂チャバネクロタマゴバチの卵巣発育, 蔵卵数と性比
- チャバネアオカメムシ越冬後成虫の飼育条件下での産卵特性