- 論文の詳細を見る
Seasonal trends in population density and diapause attributed in Oligonychus ununguis (JACOBI) on chestnut tree, and in density of diapause eggs of this mite on deciduous oak were studied in Sapporo, Hokkaido. The mite population on chestnut occurred from late May to early October and was inferred to pass four or five generations per year. The number of mites infested on chestnut showed a bimodal seasonal fluctuation, but very few predators were observed. Photoperiodic response curve of this population was the long-day type, and the critical photoperiod was between 13.5 and 14.0 hr at 18℃. Diapause was induced in mid-August, and this was 10 to 20 days earlier than the timing predicted by the critical photoperiod mentioned above. The reason for this was discussed in relation to the mode of life of O. ununguis on deciduous trees. Forty-six percent of diapause eggs deposited on deciduous oak twings died during the autumn (from late August to late October), and 14.2% of the remainder died and/or disappeared during the winter (from late October to mid-April). Termination time of diapause for the population on chestnut was late April, and hatchability of diapause eggs tested in early May was 85 to 90%.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1984-08-25
- 会報 応動昆創立50周年記念行事「小中学生対象 昆虫教室」報告
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- D-58 シラカンバに寄生するクルミハダニの生活環(天敵・生物的防除・イネミズゾウムシ・ダニ学)
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