- 論文の詳細を見る
Feedback training and self-control of the theta burst of the frontal midline EEG's (F_mθ) were performed in volunteer university students. The F_mθ, the frequency of which is 6-7Hz of About 50 μV in amplitude, appeared in about half the total subjects during continuous addition. The addition was made by the Uchida-Kreapelin Psychdiagnostic test sheet. The F_mθ was considered to be closely related to a state of concentration of attention from the introspective observations. The subjects were informed of the appearance of F_mθ by tone pips when the F_mθ appeared in their own EEG's during the addition (training session). Then the subjects were instructed to press a button when they felt the appearance of the F_mθ (test session). Each session, training and test, lasted for ten minutes. After the trainings, five of seven subjects could make good guess of the appearance of F_mθ in about 70% of all the F_mθ. Latency of the press-button from the beginning of F_mθ was about 3 seconds, and did not change much throughout the test sessions. In confirmation experiment, the subjects made a guess whether the F_mθ appeared or not when the tone pips were given. The results Showed that the feelings closely related to the F_mθ were inconstant in the first two seconds of the F_mθ and became clear in the 3rd and the 4th second of it. Memory of the feelings survived for 10 to 12 months after the trainings. Self control of the F_mθ by the subjects themselves was easy by modifying the work speed. Even when the work speed was almost settled, the control was possible by modifying the degree of concentration of attention to the work.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1974-10-01
丹羽 健市
丹羽 健市
丹羽 健市
山口 雄三
山口 雄三
山口 雄三
- 27. 小学校生課体育時のエネルギー代謝と疲労について
- 49. 水平揺り運動の熟練経過とその脳内過程 (III)
- 122. 脳波活動からみた長時間精神作業に及ぼす軽度身体運動の影響
- 546. 小学校正課体育時のエネルギー代謝に関する研究
- 234. 水平揺れ訓練時の脳内過程について (その2)
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- 261. 低圧トレーニングの全身持久性に及ぼす影響
- 441. 低圧と温度の持久走に及ぼす影響
- C-3 前頭シータ突発波のバイオフィードバック(精神神経生理)(第15回日本精神身体医学会総会より一般演題抄録・質疑応答)
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- 中高年剣士の身体機能と運動能力との関連について
- I-4 Fmθバイオフィードバックのポリグラフ的研究
- 前頭正中線部脳波に出現するシータリズム(Fmθ)の長期バイオフィードバックの1例
- 9. 発育及び体力に関する追跡的調査研究 : 主として全国平均との比較ならびに医学的知見について
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- 水泳指導における基礎的研究 (その2)
- 水泳指導における基礎的研究 (その1)
- 精神作業時前頭シータ突発波におよぼす身体活動の影響
- 443. 高所トレーニングの身体機能に及ぼす影響
- 最大酸素摂取量と疾走能力に関する研究
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- スキー指導のための基礎的研究
- スキーの身体機能におよぼす影響について
- 440. 低圧下における生体反応
- (7)低圧と温度の全身持久性に及ぼす影響 : シンポジュウム(2) : 高所トレーニング
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