学校場面で集団発生をみた過呼吸症候群の2事例 : 急性経過型と慢性経過型の比較
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This study was presented in order to compare two mass outbreaks of hyperventilation syndrome among high school girls in Nagoya and its neighborhood.One outbreak, named acute type, was observed during the training in a volleyball club of a private girl's high school. Hyperventilation attacks spreed out to 5 girls on the first day and 2 girls on the following day. The common physical and psychological backgrounds, such as fatigue, tension against the tournament, physiological hyperventilation etc, did play an important role in this group.The other epidemic, named chronic type, happened in a coeducational junior high school near Nagoya. Eight pupils in all, who were either classmates or clubmates, were involved in the mass outbreaks of almost 10 months long. Although definite and common back grounds, were not found, like in the acute type, the results of the analysis of YG test, egogram and environment showed the inclination mass outbreaks of hyperventilation. Hyperventilation attacks of this type seemed to be a manifestatin of regressive mechanism to intend to mantain the position of the star or to desire to impress their existence. It seemed to be more difficult to control the latter type at school because of their complicated mechanism.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1982-08-01
- 痙性斜頸の心身医学的側面
- 22)筋強直性ジストロフィー症の心臓電気生理学的検討 : 日本循環器学会第68回東海・第53回北陸合同地方会
- 67)筋緊張性ジストロフィー症の心臓電気生理学的検討 : 日本循環器学会第66回東海地方会
- 学校場面で集団発生をみた過呼吸症候群の2事例 : 急性経過型と慢性経過型の比較
- IB-13 集団発生をみた過呼吸症候群(呼吸器)
- 心身医学からみた慢性頭痛(慢性疼痛の心身医学第22回日本心身医学会総会シンポジウム)
- 治療薬により誘発された過換気症候群 : β受容体との関連
- ミオクローヌスを伴うEvans症候群の1例