Survey of indigenous natural enemies of the adventive pest Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) on the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
Natural enemies of Thrips palmi were surveyed on Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands of the Ryukyu Islands, to identify potentially effective, indigenous natural enemies against this adventive pest. A number of predators were found : Piocoris varius. Orius tantillus and O. strigicollis were collected on Okinawa Island, while P. varius. O. tantillus and Campylomma chinensis were collected on Ishigaki Island. Of these indigenous predators, P. varius is most likely to be effective against T. palmi in wax gourd gardens on Okinawa Island. Outbreaks of T. palmi were found just after its accidental introduction into the Ryukyu Islands in 1980, but there have been no serious outbreaks on the islands since several years after the introduction. Our study indicates that the indigenous complex of natural enemies may play a key role in suppressing T. palmi populations in southern Japan. Potential use of the generalist predators on the Ryukyu Islands for the biological control of greenhouse pests under short-day conditions in more northern temperate regions is also suggested.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1999-11-25
Yasuda Keiji
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Res. Center
河野 勝行
Institute of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, Kyushu University
Takagi M
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Takagi Masami
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kushu University
Takagi Masami
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Graduate School Kyushu University
Takagi M
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
KOHNO Katsuyuki
Okinawa Subtropical Station, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
HIROSE Yoshimi
Institute of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Kushu University
Nakashima Yoshitaka
Institute of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Nagai Kazuya
Okayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Statiori
Shima Katsuya
Institute of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Nagai Kazuya
Okayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station
Shima Katsuya
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Hirose Y
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Nakashima Y
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Nakashima Yoshitaka
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Nakashima Yoshitaka
Laboratory Of Entomology Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Yasuda Keiji
Okinawa Agricultural Experiment Station
Hirose Yoshimi
Institute Of Biological Control Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
- アカホシカメムシ類とそれらの特異的捕食者ベニホシカメムシに関する生態学的研究
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- Estimation of dispersal distance by mark-recapture experiments using traps : correction of bias caused by the artificial removal by traps
- E303 栽培時期が異なる無防除キャベツにおける鱗翅目害虫と捕食性天敵の発生動態(一般講演)
- 八重山で虫を見た(4)冬の晴れ間に--マダラチョウの乱舞 (日本の迷蝶特集号(2))
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- アカホシカメムシ類とそれらの特異的捕食者ベニホシカメムシに関する生態学的研究
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- H112 シダに含まれる鱗翅目幼虫に対する熱不安定性・難溶性の毒性・成長阻害活性について(寄主選択・耐虫性)
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- D209 ヒメハナカメムシ類二種の生殖休眠の解除に関する日長と温度の影響(生理学 生化学)
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