教師の教育内容知識に関する研究の動向 : 社会科を中心として
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In the latter half of 1980s the researchers of Stanford University promoted The Teacher Assessment Project, a large project to grope for the concept of teaching expertise. The leading member Lee S. Shulman proposed a kind of concept of teacher's thought, that is Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). They tried to describe teacher's thinking process and its features using the concept of PCK. This paper reviews these studies focusing on Social Studies. The point is that expertised teacher has a broader perspective in curriculum of the subject, and a multi-disciplinary view supports this. Especially the Social Studies requires a synthetic and interdisciplinary knowing way, therefore we have to keep this in our mind and design the teacher education both in preservice and in inservice.
- 1998-03-26
論文 | ランダム
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