An Application of Cross-Spectral Analysis to the Measurement of Contribution of Noise Sources
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The measurement of the contributions of noise sources is to determine the amount of acoustic power contributed to the field at a given point by each of several sources. The signal from the microphone placed at an observation point is cross-correlated with the signal from the second microphone placed sufficiently close to a noise source. The measured cross-correlation function is converted into the cross-spectral density through digital computations and then divided by the power-spectrum of the signal from the second microphone, giving the frequency transfer function between the noise source and the observation point. Using the computed transfer function, we can separate the component due to the source in question from the total sound power-spectrum at the observation point. Some preliminary experiments including the separation of exhaust noise of an automobile were made, and the results verified the effectiveness of this cross-spectral method.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
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