A serological survey of minute virus of canines (MVC ; Canine parvovirus type-1) in dogs in the Tokai area of Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
A serological survey for antibodies to minute virus of canines (MVC) by use of a hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test was performed on sera collected from dogs in the Tokai area of Japan. Forty-one of 266 (15.4%) sera had positive titers of 1 : 40 or higher against the MVC. Results suggest that MVC may have been present in dogs in Japan since, at least, 1990. From this serosurvey, MVC appears to be established in the dog population in Japan. MVC may have a role as a newly recognized viral pathogen of dogs in Japan.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 2001-11-30
Takiguchi Mitsuyoshi
Laboratory Of Pathobiology Department Of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Graduate School Of Veterinary
HIRAI Katsuya
Department of Applied Veterinary Sciences, United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu Unive
KIDA Hiroshi
Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Disease Control, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, H
Laboratory of Pathobiology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinar
Baker Institute for Animal Health, New York State College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University
Carmichael Leland
Baker Institute For Animal Health New York State College Of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University
Hirai Katsuya
Department Of Veterinary Microbiology Faculty Of Agriculture Gifu University
Kida Hiroshi
Laboratory Of Microbiology Department Of Disease Control Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Vete
Kida Hiroshi
Laboratory Of Microbiology Department Of Disease Control Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Hokk
Hashimoto Akira
Laboratory Of Chemistry Osaka Prefectural College Of Nursing
Hashimoto Akira
Laboratory Of Pathobiology Department Of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Graduate School Of Veterinary
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