ベンガル農村のクマール(土器つくりカースト) : バングラデシュ,タンガイル県ミルザプール郡の事例から
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This paper deals with the roles and the position occupied by the potter caste (Kumar) in the rural areas of central Bangladesh, mainly from the economic viewpoint. It is the part of some work which intends to consider the status of "artisan"castes in peasant society in a field which has been neglected hitherto. Since the 1950's, the main South Asia interest of the study of South Asia has concentrated upon the village community, and as villages usuauy consist of many different castes, the emphasis has been laid on clarifying systematically the relationships among people of different castes. The concept of the "Jajmani" system, that is, the system of economic and social relationships at village level among members of different castes, is a typical outcome of these studies. Though there are various opinions about the character of the Jajmani system, one point is common to all these opinions. That is that central position is given to the farmer caste and the system can be viewed as one of relationship between the dominant farmer caste and other artisan castes. Consequently, "occupational namely artisan " "service", and "labor" castes have been alluded with relation to the farmer caste. But in fact, the occupational castes, which traditionally were engaged in the various "caste" occupations (and often still are), generally have kept a wider network of relationship with other castes than farmers have. Moreover, it is the occupational, especially the artisan castes that have been direc,tly exposed to the influence of the influx of goods from outside in modern times. Therefore, it is indispensable to explain the condition and the position of such "artisan" castes in order to construct the total image of peasant society of rural South Asia. Actual research was made at Mirzapur Upazila in the Tangail District, Bangladesh. Mirzapur Upazila is a pure rural area with main crops of paddy and jute. Population density is 789/km^2, which is extremely high for a rural area. About 85% of the total population ,of this Upazila is Muslim and the rest is Hindu; the latt.er is divided into more than 20 castes.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1987-09-30
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- ベンガル農村のクマール(土器つくりカースト) : バングラデシュ,タンガイル県ミルザプール郡の事例から