唐代支那に流伝せる象の報恩譚 : ギリシア・ローマ説話の東伝に関する旧稿の補遺
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Reviewing and correcting to a small extentmy previous paper on the migration and transformation of Graeco-Roman story to the Far East(Daiwa 大和, Jan.1948, 28〜33), I have introducedhere more stories of similar kind prevalent in China under the T'ang dynasty. Their texts were not cited in may said paper, only the titles and literay sources having been mentionedthere. I give her their full texts in Japanese translation. Most stories treated in my article of 1948 may be counted as belonging to the story like Herableis, a Virtuous Window of Tarentum, told by Aelianus in his Historia Naturalium VIII : 22. Beside these there is a story of another type, i. e., the Story of Mo yao 莫徭 of Szeechuan. He rescued an elephant severly suffering from a stab on its sole and the animal was so grateful for its escape that it rewarded MoYao with a big ivory. This story may be regardedas having more or less relation to the Roman tale of Androcles and a Lion. The three newlyadded tales in the present note do not seem to have direct connection with the story of Androclestype, but they may still be taken as examples of this story-group of grateful animals which have their origin in the classical West, although they are much transformed in their plot. Anyhow the stories themselves may be of interst for the students of folk-tales in general.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1958-03-25
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- 唐代支那に流伝せる象の報恩譚 : ギリシア・ローマ説話の東伝に関する旧稿の補遺
- 唐代支那に流伝せる象の報恩譚--ギリシア・ローマ説話の東伝に関する旧稿の補遺
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