福岡県に於ける郷土料理の調査研究(第 5 報) : 豊前地方(下関も含む)のふぐ料理について
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1. The fugu is divided into the following classifications : Triodontidae of Balistima, Ostraciidae of Ostraciontina, and, Tetraodontidae and Diodontidae of Tetraodoutida. 2. The fugu which usually eat are torafugu, karasu, namerafugu, mefugu, shousaifugu, nashifugu, komonfugu, higanfugu and sabafugu, Among these the torafugu is considered most delicions, while kusafugu, kitamakura, mushifugu, itomakifugu, hoshifugu and so forth, are seldom eaten. The reasons why we seldom eat these are thought to be as fallows : a-they do not taste like the fugu at all b-the total catch is very limited c-we don't know how poisonous they are 3. The nutritive food value of the fugu is very high, that is, it is very rich in protain and, unorganic calcium anel phosphorus. The ovarium and liver of every kind of fugu is very poisonous, and we call the poison tetrotoxin. 4. The most delicious dish of the fugu is called fugusashi, namely, slices of the raw fugu and fuguchiri. Besides this we have special ways of eating the fugu including processed ones, for example, shirako-tofu, hire-sake, shirako-sake and dried fugu. 5. A ceremony for the fugu is the annual event at Karato-market in Shimonoseki during the spring equinoctial week. The ceremony for the fugu is held in order to pray for them. After holding the ceremony for the fugu, they stop catching the fugu until next season. 6. If we can get the opportunity to study the literary and biological materials, and the knowledge of the local people, we would like to further the cooperative study of the fugu.
- 1969-09-15
論文 | ランダム
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