中世ロシアの異教信仰ロードとロジャニツァ日本語増補改訂版(前編 資料)
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This paper aims to bring into light the medieval Russian folk pagan cult, which was mentioned in several preaches by the medieval Russian authors as the cult to "Rod i rozhanitsa". The present author has collected all the materials about it and analyzed them, using the method of "the prospective and retrospective way", proposed by B.A. Uspenskii. It has been proved that this cult was associated with the worship of the Earth-Great Mother, retrospective to the Indo-European archaic religious views. This paper is composed of two parts, the first part of which analyses and interprets the materials, is printed in this bulletin. The second part, which analyses the religious phenomena, will appear in the next issue of this journal.
- 電気通信大学の論文
- 2005-01-31
- メリョトヴォ教会フレスコ壁画の文献的な起源
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- 中世ロシアの異教信仰ロードとロジャニツァ:日本語増補改訂版(後編 分析)
- 中世ロシアの異教信仰ロードとロジャニツァ日本語増補改訂版(前編 資料)
- キエフ・ペチェルスキー修道院聖者列伝における物語の比較研究III : 物語作者ポリカルプ