土堰堤内の滲透水流について(山口堰堤の実測) : II.實測結果の解析
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The report of an investigation on the percolation problems performed in Yamaguchi dam is continued. Considering the effect of rich rainfall in Japan, a reasonable pattern of flow is obtained. In those "Wet Dams" the rain-water through the slanting surface plays an important part. Measuring the water pressure by 21 gauge-tubes we can get the equi-potential and stream lines. The mean velocity of the percolation is about 0.3_5〜0.6_2mm/ day, and the penetrating rate of rain-water through thes lanting surface is about 0.2_6〜0.4_6 mm/day which becomes 10〜20% of the annual meam of rainfall (2._6〜5._3 mm/day). The mean pressure along the slanting surface stands nearly -4.4m in water-column which is the possible value in those "Red Soils". A numerical calculation with idealized boundary conditions is tried by means of difference method referred to rhombic nets.
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