Immunohistochemical and Morphological Changes in Chipmunk Carotid Body during Hibernaiton
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Mammalian hibernators experience drastic changes in vital signs such asbody temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate during hibernation because of periodicarousals during which vital signs return to non-hibernating levels. The carotid body, anarterial chemoreceptor organ regulating respiration, contains several neuroactive substances.However, little is known about changes of neuroactive substances in the carotidbody during hibernation. Immunohistochemical study using antibodies against neuroactivesubstances, namely tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), methionine-enkephalin (MetEnk), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) showed that immunoreactivities for TH,Met-Enk and GABA in type I cells of carotid bodies in hibernating animals increased incomparison with those in non-hibernating ones. Furthermore, we monitored vital signsof chipmunks during arousal from hibernation, and found that the heart rate increasedexponentially and the respiratory rate increased linearly as body temperature graduallyincreased. Subsequent examination of TH-immunoreactivity in carotid bodies duringarousal showed that the TH-immunoreactivity decreased during the course of arousalfrom hibernation. The type I cells enlarged in size during hibernation, but the sinusoidalcapillaries around them did not. These results suggest that several neuroactive substancesin type I cells playa significant role in the regulation of chemoreception duringthe hibernating physiological state.
- 秋田大学の論文
秋田大学 | 論文
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