- 論文の詳細を見る
As the continuation of the previous work of one of the authors, wind-tunnel experiments were made to investigate the effect of a single roughness element on transition from laminar to turbulent flow in the boundary layer in the presence of favorable pressure gradient and of free-stream turbulence. As pointed out by Dryden, the roughness effect proves to be dependent on the ratio of the height k of the roughness element to the displacement thickness δ^*_k of the boundary layer at the element, provided that the transition occurs at a distance from the element. A good correlation of the available data is obtained by plotting the transition Reynolds number Re^*_t based on the displacement thickness as a function of the ratio k/δ^*_k. The presence of a favorable pressure gradient can scarcely alter the relation between Re^*_t and k/δ^_k in the range of variables covered by the present experiment. The effect of free-stream turbulence is conspicuous only at small values of k/δ^*_k, the relation between Re^*_t and k/δ^*_k tending to become a single curve as k/δ^*_k increases.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- 1954-10-21
谷 一郎
山本 一夫
井内 松三郎
谷 一郎
山本 一夫
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
井内 松三郎
- 24a-B-9 壁面粗さの変化に対する乱流境界層の応答
- II.4 ARISおよびSSRの空気力学的研究(4 ARISおよびSSRの空気力学的研究)(II.関連研究)
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- M-4Sの空力特性
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- 5a-F-6 臨界領域における円柱の周りの流れ
- 新に試作された乱れ測定装置について
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- 2-10.新に試作された乱れ測定装置について(応用物理,流体力学)(第11回定期講演會講演要旨)
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- 13a-B-4 凹面壁に沿う流れの安定
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- 2-11.非定常な層流境界層について(応用物理,流体力学)(第11回定期講演會講演要旨)
- 2p-G-5 曲面板上の境界層の遷移の実験
- 乱流理論の新しい進歩
- 縮まない乱流境界層の実用計算法
- 2-13.圧力上昇を伴う乱流境界層について(応用物理,流体力学)(第11回定期講演會講演要旨)
- 境界層の速度分布におよぼす曲率の影響(正誤)
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- 研究報告を学会誌中心に
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- 高速機用翼型の設計に關する二三の寄與
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- スキー飛躍の空気力学
- ヘリコプタ模型による半自由飛行実験 : ホバ点まわりの運動
- II.4.1 3m低速風洞試験(4 ARISおよびSSRの空気力学的研究)(II.関連研究)