建築における水面の用いられ方の研究 : 水面の位置,大きさ,加えられた操作からの考察
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The purpose of our studies is to explain how the water is used and how the space effects of using water are designed in architecture. We in our laboratory have surveyed many architectural works in which water is used, visiting the architectural works and experiencing the spaces. In this paper, limiting the subject to the way of using water surface. 15 fieldwork cases of architectural works in which water surface is used were made objects for analysis. First, we pointed out that the character and role of a water surface differed depending on its position, whether it was on the access side or the garden side, and also on the access side whether it separated the building from the access way or separated the building and the access way from the surroundings. The works of architects Ando, Taniguchi and Yanagisawa. each with more than one case had distinct tendency and characteristics in their way of using water surface, they represented three types. In fieldwork cases of other architects one of the above three types could be seen. Secondly, regarding the size of water surface, when based on the ratio of water suface area to the building area, each architect had his own tendency. Their way of using water surface could be said to reflect those tendencies. These tendencies were also seen in the similar types of fieldwork cases of other architects.
- 東京工芸大学の論文
- 2000-01-31
眞鍋 信太郎
綱島 和泉
佐久間 千津子
綱島 和泉
佐久間 千津子
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