多目的超音波ユニット(スプラソンP-MAX^[○!R])応用時の表面性状の変化について : 第3報2種のペリオソフトチップ使用時の研磨効果について(自然科学編)
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Root planing using Ultrasonic scaler is becoming increasingly popular ; however, little is known about its effect on the root surfaces. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of polishing, using the ultrasonic sealer, on the roughness of the root surfaces. The test was conducted on P-MAX^[○!R] Ultrasonic Scaler, using the perio soft tips (PA2R and PB2R). Each of the perio soft tips cosisted of Aluminum oxide as its abrasive medium. PA2R had average particle size of 12 micron, and PB2R had average particle size of 2.8 micron. The samples of the root specimen (Bovine) were cut from the extracted incisors, and were fixed individual in an acrylic block using a light cured composite resin. All specimens were flattened by wet-grinding with # 180 SiC under water for making standard surface (Ra 2 micron, Rmax 15 micron). The polishing of the Bovine root surface was carried out with the Suprasson P-MAX^[○!R] handle attached to a dynamic testing machine. The test was run at sliding speed of 80 mm/min and moving distance of 3 mm under a vertical load of 10g. The roughness was measured on six speciments for each tip by Ra and Rmax, using the surface profilometer (Surfcom 120A) across the test area of the specimen in five different locations. The main findings of this investigation were as fellows : 1. PA2R tip, using the average particle size of 15 micron, was successful in polishing the flattened specimen face. 2. PB2R tip, using the average abrasive particle size of 2.8 micron, was only able to polish the root surface only minimally. From this test we concluded that the particle size of the Aluminum oxide was the single most important factor influencing the result of the polishing effects using the Ultrasonic sealer.
- 千葉県立衛生短期大学の論文
保坂 誠
保坂 誠
麻生 智子
石田 洋子
保阪 誠
石田 洋子
石田 洋子
千葉県立衛生短期大学歯科衛生学科 歯周治療学
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