Diversifying Instructional Contexts : An Evaluation of the Science Across Europe Programme
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Science Across Europe is an international science education programme with the aim of bringing a global dimension to science education. Its materials were developed to encourage secondary school pupils across Europe to work on everyday issues such as 'food' and 'domestic waste' and to exchange ideas and findings with pupils in other countries. The programme aims to promote the use of a foreign language both through working on the materials and through exchange with other schools. This paper presents some of the findings from an evaluation of the programme, undertaken by the University of Warwick, UK, by means of a questionnaire survey with approximately 60 teachers and 600 learners in 13 countries. The findings suggest that the programme has had a positive impact on learner motivation, with some evidence for enhanced learner achievement. The research also has some interesting implications for classroom activities related to foreign language learning in a cross-curricular context.
- 神田外語大学の論文
- 2003-03-25
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