スペイン地域発展の動向 : マドリッドとカタルーニャを事例として
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Decrease in intra-EU disparities has been one of the most important tasks in the EU integration process. The. EU accession of Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, and Greece) in the 1980s anticipated ex- panding disparities among the member states. Until then, the EU had consisted of almost homogeneous countries, and the southern countries had developed to a lesser extent than the original member states. The EU had to tackle this issue in order to realize upward. equalization. Otherwise, the significance of the EU would be questioned. Originally the EU offered the Structural Funds in order to solve intra-EU disparities. In addition, since the 1980s, capital movement, especially foreign direct investment (FDI) has been expected to decrease disparities among the countries. Among Southern European countries, Spain received significant FDI and sustained drastic growth in the late 1980s. However, the regions in Spain faced a different economic situation: while some regions attracted FDI and achieved economic development, other region did not experience an increase in in- come level. This implies that regional disparities still remain in Spain. This paper analyses the case of Spanish regions: Madrid and Cataluna, because, these two regions have sustained higher development level, and enjoyed higher income per capita. Since the late 1980s, Madrid and Cataluna attracted substantial foreign capital due to high quality of labor force and advanced infrastructure. This implies that FDI
- 長崎大学の論文
- 2003-03-25
- 直接投資と経済発展の方向性 -スペインを事例として-
- スペイン地域発展の動向 : マドリッドとカタルーニャを事例として
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