Morphological Observation on the Fibrous Materials in Bovine Vagina
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Masaki Junji
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
SATO Masamitsu
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Sato Masamitsu
Department Of Anesthesiology Nakadohri General Hospital
Sato Masamitsu
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
- Characterization of Fatty Acids in the Sebum of Goats According to Sex and Age(Biological Chemistry)
- Change in Sezual Behavior of Bulls Asaoxiated with Mating Experience
- The Recurrence of Estrus after Pups Removal in Post-Partum Lactating Rat
- Serum Levels of Progesterone, Prolactin, LH and FSH during Lactation in the Rat
- Cytokine Gene Expression after Subretinal Transplantation
- Functional Analysis after Auto Iris Pigment Epithelial Cell Transplantation in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Reproductive Performance in Pre- or Pubertal Female Rats after the First Ovulation
- Prepubertal Change in Ovulating Response to LH-RH in PMS-Nembutal-Primed Rats
- Effect of Age on the Changes of Pitlsitary and Serum Gonadotrophin Levels during PMS-Induced Ovulation in Prepubertal Rats
- Culture of Rat Eggs in vitro
- Cyclic Changes in Sodium, Potassium and Chloride Concentrations in Cervico-vaginal Mucus of Gilts during Estrous Cycle
- Morphological Observation on the Fibrous Materials in the Gilt's Vagina
- Suppressive Effect of Neonatal Rat Serum on PMSG-induced Ovulation in Immature Rats
- The Ultrastructure of Bovine Cervical Mucus under Scanning Electron Microscope
- Changes in Sodium, Potassium and Chloride Concentrations of Bovine Cervical Mucus during the Time of Estrus induced by Prostaglandin F_ Analogue
- A Trial on X-ray Microanalysis (Non-dispersive Spectroscopy) of Elements in Rat Spermatozoa Obtained from Cauda Epididymidis, Vas Deferens and Uterus
- Morphological Observation on the Fibrous Materials in Bovine Vagina
- Penetration of Rat Spermatozoa into the Vitellus in vivo : Observations on the Time Sequence
- Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of Uterine Epithelial Cytoplasmic Protrusions during the Estrous Cycle, Pregnancy, Pseueopregnancy and Early Stages of Decidualization in Rat
- Observation by Scanning Electron Microscopy on the Time Sequence of Sperm Penetration into the Vitellus of Hamster Eggs
- Uptake of trypan blue in the uterine epithelium of the rat during early pseudopregnancy
- Infantile Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis with Interstitial Pneumonia : Bilateral Simultaneous Lung Lavage Utilizing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Steroid Therapy
- Growth of Golden Hamster and Rat Young Reared by Foster Mothers of the Reciprocal Species
- Unusual Fatty Acids with Specific Odor from Mature Male Goat