- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally a fatigue test of materials takes a long time. Therefore, we intended to automate bending fatigue test machines by using microcomputers. The microcomputers in the test are low-priced "Sharp" microcomputers on the market. We used two microcomputers. One is for controlling the fatigue test machines, and the ather is for I/O. And we also tried to use the microcomputers for other purposes with off line. The results obtained in the test are as follows. 1) The test machines stopped automatically when they reached a given count cycle. 2) The test machines stopped automatically when the test pieces broke. 3) Each of the test machines was operated and stopped by the control of the microcomputers. 4) The microcomputes detected the stress and strain value of the test pieces when they were installed to the machines. 5) The microcomputers displayed and printed the values in input and output.
- 宇部工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1984-03-31
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