Synthesis of the derivatives of N-hydroxy-homophthalimide and their metal chelates〔邦文〕
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The derivatives of N-hydroxyhomophthalimide such as N-hydroxy-4-nitrohomophthalimide (NHNH), 4-sulfo-l-phenylazo-N-hydroxyhomophthalimide (SPANH) and 2-hydroxy-4-sulfo-1-naphthylazo-N-hydroxyhomophthalimide (HSNANH) were synthesized. The acid dissociation constants of these compounds and the stability constants of their metal chelates have been determined by the spectroscopic method. The dissociation constants of NHNH are found to be pka_1=4.35, pka_2=9.90 and those of SPANH, HSNANH could not be found exactly. Various kinds of metal ions form yellow colored chelates with NHNH and SPANH, and pine or blue colored chelates with HSNANH. The logarithmic values of the stability constants of NHNH chelates are found to be 16.4 for Th, 12.85 for Pb, 12.15 for Al and 11.45 for Cu respectively.
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- Synthesis of the derivatives of N-hydroxy-homophthalimide and their metal chelates〔邦文〕