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The prevalence of drug-induced gingival overgrowth has increased owing to the use of blood pressure depressing agents or immuno-suppressants. Despite many basic and clinical studies of this condition, the mechanisms involved in gingival overgrowth remains to be clearly established. This review summarizes reports on gingival overgrowth and introduces my studies. Gingival overgrowth-inducing drugs have different chemical structures that are pharmacologically unrelated. A few studies suggest that drug metabolites can cause gingival overgrowth. The relations between the incidence of gingival overgrowth and drug dosage, age and sex have not been fully clarified by epidemiological studies. Abnormal fibroblast proliferation has also been proposed as a mechanism for gingival overgrowth, but this remains controversial. The classical hypothesis that the pathogenesis of drug-induced gingival overgrowth involves dental plaque has also been questioned. The most commonly proposed mechanism of gingival overgrowth is stimulation of gingival fibroblasts by gingival overgrowth-inducing drugs, resulting in excess collagen synthesis or decreased levels or lack of collagenase. The mechanisms of excess production or suppression of metabolic enzymes by drugs are discussed on the basis of studies examining the relations among drugs, cytokines, and ion channels of the cell membrane. Finally, the possibility of controlling side effects clinically by drug treatment is explored.drug-induced side effectgingival overgrowthmechanisms of cause
- 東北大学の論文
- 2003-06-30
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