打撃パフォーマンスの正確性 : 性別・スポーツ経験別による比較
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For sports such as baseball, tennis and badminton, it is necessary to have visual perception of distance and the ability to hit a ball or shuttlecock correctly using a tool such as a bat or a racket. Therefore, the authors focused on the above. It has been reported in the past that female college students who have little batting experience are unable to hit a ball at the designated hitting-point on the bat, because of either low accuracy in terms of batting performance or problems with visual perception of distance. This conclusion, however, remains questionable because the relationship between experience in sport and batting performance was not clearly demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of batting performance with respect to gender and experience in sport. 60 participants ranged between the ages of 19 and 23.20 of which were non-sport players (10men, 10women), 20 of which were racket-sport players (10 men, 10 women) and 20 of which were non-racket-sport players (10 men, 10 women). The experimental task was to hit a ball on a tee-stand at a height of 80 cm. The participants were given a softball-bat. The designated ideal hitting-point was rnarked on the softball-bat, and the length from the grip to the designated hitting-point on the bat was 50 cm. Participants were asked to hit the ball at the designated hitting-point on the bat. Batting performance was measured according to how accurately the subject was able to hit the ball at the ideal hitting-point on the bat. It was found through statistical analysis that there is no significant relationship between the factor of gender and the hitting-point (x^2=1.62, df=2, N.S). There is, however, a significant relationship between the factorof sports experience and the hitting-point (x^2=9.65, df=4 , P<0.05). These results show that gender difference does not affect the accuracy of batting performance, but that differences in sports experience do. Therefore, it has been concluded that movement experience of" It hits using a tool" is required to exact batting ability. There were not participants who hit the ball on the inside of the designated hitting-point. Also, the ability to hit a moving target was not measured in this study. In the future, it will be necessary to explore these issues further.
- 北海道教育大学の論文
- 2003-09-30
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