生徒の授業への集中度評価による教授・学習改善の試み : 刺激再生法を用いた集中度の自己評価と教師評価を中心に
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An evaluation method of students' attentiveness and its simplified version were developed for purposes of improving students' learning volition, their understanding, and teachers' instruction behavior. In this evaluation method, one lesson was recorded from the beginning to the end by two video cameras and after that each student evaluated in every minute his or her attentiveness to the lesson watching the video films. The teacher of the class also evaluated students' attentiveness to the lesson as a whole in the same way. In the simplified version, there was only the teacher's evaluation. Three physics teachers and 440 students consisting of ten classes in a senior high school participated in the experiment. The first teacher and his students of one class and the second teacher and his students of one class once carried out both of the evaluation method and its simplified version, in a school term. Other two classes of the first and second teachers carried out only the simplified version twice. The second and third teachers and their students in the remaining six classes carried out neither of them, that is, they were under the control condition. All of the students rated their learning volition after each physics lesson in that school term. There were a midterm examination and a term-end examination, whose scores were used to see levels of students' understanding. The main results were as follows: (a) Carrying out of the evaluation method of students' attentiveness had great effects on improvement of students' learning volition, and its simplified version had only weak effects on it. (b) Both methods had considerable effects on students' understanding in the classes taught by the second teacher, while there were no effects in the classes taught by the first teacher. It seemed that the teacher's attitude toward these methods was critical in whether these methods were effective or not on students' understanding.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2003-03-28
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