キャリア発達理論の生成とその展開 : キャリア開発との関連で
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"Career development in organization" has been an important concept in education and training in enterprise since the 1960s in Japan. The essence of career development in organizations is to focus on the interaction between an individual and an organization. The problem on the side of the individual is how to match his/her needs throughout his/her entire career or life history with those of the organizaion. Although there have been a few articles concerning development in organizations, they only discuss practical elements and do not deal with the theoretical aspect. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of showing more interest in individual growth and development in the field of the study on education and training in enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to review and examine the studies on career development from a viewpoint of individual growth and development. Firstly, we will clarify the concept and history of career development. Secondly, we will examine the vocational development theory proposed by Super,D.E. along with the theory of career development in organizations suggested by Schein,E.H. We will then discuss some of the problems and issues concerning career development.
- 1996-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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