1920年代における少年労働保護政策の転換 : 工場法から少年職業紹介へ
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The purpose of this paper is to examine how the social policies for protection of youth laborers related to 'education'. In order to achieve the aim, the paper investigates the relationship between the factory acts and the youth employment service. To begin with, the paper consider two descents of the protection: protection of treatment in the place of work and protection in the Labor Market. Then the paper investigates the establishment of law fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment. In the process it was emphasized that children out of work should be protected by school. It meant that protection of youth laborers rested upon 'education'. The protection by 'education'derived from the law of minimum age, demanded the immediate transition from school to job. To solve such problem, it was worked out the protection in the Labor Market: youth employment service. In conclusion, the law of minimum age and youth employment service as the protection by 'education'had tasks jointly, and carried out an important mission to solve the youth labor problems.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2003-03-10
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- 1920年代における少年労働保護政策の転換 : 工場法から少年職業紹介へ
- 1920年代における少年労働保護政策の転換 : 工場法から少年職業紹介ヘ(教育の歴史(2))
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