新規参入者の就農プロセスに関する一考察 : 小平町における新規就農支援システムを事例として
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This report studies the farmer training program implemented by the town of Obira in Hokkaido, which is intended to promote agriculture in the town by training people to become farmers and getting them to shoulder the burden of carrying on local agriculture in the future. We studied the trainees' practice records in order to critique the process from the initial training to the actual start of farming. We hoped to identify any problems in the training program. The actions taken by the town of Obira to invite and accept prospective farmers were well in advance of those in other areas. Also, the training program was well planned and is well managed. However, the case study found that this well-prepared program does not necessarily guarantee that the prospective farmers will settle in as local farmers. In addition, farmland and housing should be prepared beforehand. In some cases trainees could not concentrate on the training because of this problem. There is a room for further improvements in the arrangement of 'hardware' portion of the plan. Although the actions by the town of Obira to invite and accept new farmers should be applauded, one must considered if this two-year program is enough for prospective farmers to become truly independent farmers. If they need a longer period to acquire farm management skills, various 'ladders' are need if they are to become successful.
- 2003-03-28
- シンポジウム報告者に対するコメント・討論
- 新規参入者の就農プロセスに関する一考察 : 小平町における新規就農支援システムを事例として
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- シンポジウム報告者に対するコメント・討論(1994年度秋季大会シンポジュウム「農業生産構造の再検討」)