- 論文の詳細を見る
The small stream polluted in organic substance is looked at in urban river. Then, there is an outbreak of the chironomid every year. The nitrogen rate of industrial liquid waste is high for the upstream in Osyozugawa River that flows in respect of the Takefu City, and the reproduction of algae becomes popular. It is very difficult to improve the water quality contaminated by this drainage, even if it is viewed from the economical plane. The purpose of this paper is to identify the species of the chironomid that inhabits this river and to investigate the mechanism in which this chironomid breeds in large quantities and time of the generation. The result of practice activity in this paper with regional inhabitant is reported. As a result of the identification by the microscope, Chironomus Meigen yoshimatsui was judged as mainly inhabited in this river. In upstream and downstream, the peak of the generation observes 6 times in the period of the end of October from May. And, the organic substance is included for 10%~25% (year average 13.5%) for the soil of river bottom throughout the annual, and in addition, 30%~70% (year average 45.3%) is an organic substance on the mud which adheres to algae. The organic substance is used as a material of the nest, when it becomes a bait of the chironomid. In such situation, it is an effective method to remove algae before the chironomid breeds in large quantities. There was the increase of the consciousness of the regional inhabitant to the river water quality improvement through this activity. It is important that the system to which tackle the problem/seoolving is established, as regional inhabitant, administration and the neighborhood enterprise will become a one body in future.
- 2003-11-25
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