新聞当初を利用したジェンダー意識調査の意義 : 調査が無効となる日
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This paper will show the significance of the experiments using a readers' column in newspapers to check gendered image/stereotype and to enable the subjects to become aware of their gendered bias. In the experiments, the subjects read several letters from the column, guess the sex of writers and give their supporting evidence for these choices. This paper consists of three parts. First, the experiment conducted in 2003 will be described. The subjects are male and female students in their twenties; and women aged from 30 to 70 participating in a gender-equal seminar in Hamamatsu. Generally speaking, the results indicate that the criteria of the subjects' guesses were similar among the subjects regardless of sex or age. This reveals that gendered image/stereotype is constructed early in life and maintained all life long. Additionally, the subjects usually guessed correctly the age of the writers, i. e. those at middle and advanced age in this experiment. Secondly, this paper will introduce 6 experiments conducted since 1995 and will claim that there are gendered patterns in the letters in terms of sentence-final form, and content, i. e. female writers write private matters such as domestic affairs in polite form, and male writers write public matters such as politics and economics in non-polite form. The subjects recognize this pattern and judge the sex correctly. However, the subjects misjudged the pattern of the letters written by the opposite sex, which turns out to show that they have gender-based expectations towards writing style. Otherwise, the subjects judge the sex by sentence-final form or content. The experiments conducted so far support the idea that the letters in the column are useful to check gender and gendered image in Japanese society. Thirdly, the experiments using the letters in the column are meaningful in order to enable the subjects to become aware of their gendered image. There are two reasons for this. First, most subjects have never taken part in this type of experiment before. Secondly, through guesswork they become relaxed and enjoyed guessing as if they were detectives. Thus, they can be just as they are, not as they are supposed to be. In this sense, this type of experiment is meaningful if we want to perceive the real self of the subjects. This paper concludes that the experiments using letters in the newspapers are meaningful. I will continue conducting such experiments until they become unnecessary. I hope this type of experiment will become so in the near future in Japanese society, where men and women will be equally treated and enjoy their lives.
- 2003-07-31
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- 中間構文と動詞分類
- 新聞当初を利用したジェンダー意識調査の意義 : 調査が無効となる日
- 中間構文における動作主のゆくえ
- 間接疑問文についての一考察