- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to collect the normative responses in Japanese three syllable word-fragment completion tasks. Two hundred and forty-seven college students were presented with 259 sets of two-syllable word-fragments in hiragana visually and asked to add the third syllable to make as many complete Japanese words as possible. The duration for this completion was 10 seconds for each set. In the results, the mean total responses for one set of fragments was 321.49 (ranging from 60 to 514)and the mean number of response-types was 14.43(ranging from 4 to 35)for each set. This data would serve as useful material for various kinds of psychological experiments on memory and cognition
- 1993-01-00
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- 平仮名3文字単語完成課題における標準的反応の調査
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