キノコ類の貯蔵・加工に関する研究(第1報) : 水煮缶詰による成分の変化について
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I have researched on procese and preservation of Esculent Fungi. This time I test the change of the component of Flammulina velutipes, Rozites caperata, Cantharllus cibarius and Pholiota nameko, natural Fungi in the Kinki and Chubu districts and fit to boiling can. And so I compare and investigate with them. 1) The component of natural Fungi tested this time are as follows: Flammulina veluipes; Moisture 90.2%, Crude protein 25.0%, True protein 12.42%. Carbohydrate 28.21%, Crude fiber 9.29%, Crude fat 5.16%, Crude ash 6.82%, Mannite 5.81%, Trehalose 2.65% and Eergosterin 0.103%. Rozites caperata; Moisture 89.29%, Crund protein 14.97%, True protein 13.57%, Carbohydrate 27.66%, Crupe fiber 7.59%, Crude fat 6.25%, Crude ash 6.48%, Mannite 5.92%, Trehalose 8.70% and Ergosterin 0.2080%. Cantharllus cibarius; Moisture 94.30%, Crude protein 19.74%, True protein 19.26%, Carbohydrate 31.35%, Crude fiber 9.09%, Crude fat 9.25%, Crude ash 10.52%, Mannite 7.22%, Trehalose 3.39% and Ergosterin 0.1528%. Pholiota nameko; Moisture 95.80%, Crude protein 34.98%, True protein 15.33%, Carbohydrate 31.44%, Crude fibetr 13.45%, Crude fat 3.45%, Crude ash 8.98%, Mannite 14.24%;, Trehalose 4.26% and Ergosterin 0.217%. 2) Fungi preserved in boiling water for a week. Flammulina velutipes; Moisture 90.5%, Crude protein 22.8%, True protein 11.72%, Carbohydrate 26.64%, Crude fiber 9.07%, Crude fat 4.69%, Crude ash 5.72%, Mannite 3.68% Trehalose 2.11% and Ergosterin 0.0995%. Rozites caperata; Moisture 90.66%, Crude protein 12.03%, True protein 11.75%, Carbohydrate 24.63%, Crude fiber 8.08%, Crude fat 6.22%, Crude ash 5.57%, Mannite 4.91%, Trehalose 7.14% and Ergosterin 0.2179%. Canthallus cibarius; Moisture 95.55%, Crude protein 16.46%, True protein 17.09%, Carbohydrate 28.12%, Crude fider 9.17%, Crued fat 9.73%, Crude ash 9.87%, Mannite 6.99%, Trehalose 2.26% and Ergosterin 0.1568%. Pholiota nameko; Moisture 94.87%, Crude protein 30.07%, True protein 13.77%, Carbohydrate 30.27%, Crude fiber 14.05%, Crude fat 5.07%, Crude ash 4.69%, Mannite 6.37%, Trehalose 4.14% and Ergosterin 0.2238%. 3) As the result of study by test, I notice the disposition which much Carbohydrate, Mannite and Protein are melted. 4) I almost dont notice the change of Crude fiber, Moisture, Crude fat and Ergosterin.
- 1972-04-01
- キノコ類の貯蔵・加工に関する研究(第1報) : 水煮缶詰による成分の変化について
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