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国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました。The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of nicotine on the respiratory rate and cell viability of isolated rat hepatocytes. The effects of nicotine on isolated mitochondria were also investigated in preliminary experiments. Hepatocytes were isolated from 48-hour-starved male Wistar rats by the method of Berry and Friend4) with some modification. The isolated hepatocytes were suspended in Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 2% BSA (albumin). The respiratory rate of the cells was measured at 37℃ using a dark oxygen electrode. Viability was calculated by the trypan blue exclusion test. The effects of nicotine, in terms of dependency on time and concentration, were compared in the nicotine group and no nicotine group (control group). Nicotine began to reduce the respiratory rate of hepatocytes from a final concentration of 1 fj. M, and a dramatic reduction in the respiratory rate was seen at 10 μ M. The suppressive effect of nicotine on the respiratory rate appeared within several minutes in the range of nicotine concentrations of 1〜10 μ. M, and the effect of nicotine was found to be concentration-dependent. Although the sample number was small, a clear tendency for viability to decrease with time was seen in the presence of nicotine at concentrations of 1〜10 μ M. However, in the presence of 10 μ M of nicotine, the reduction in viability was not as great as the reduction in respiratory activity, suggesting that 10 μ M of nicotine was not a sufficiently high concentration to cause cell death within a short time. The mechanism by which nicotine acts on hepatocytes could not be elucidated from the results of these experiments. However, preliminary experiments using isolated mitochondria revealed that nicotine at concentrations of 1〜10 μ M caused uncoupling, suggesting that the effects of nicotine on respiratory rate and cell viability of rat hepatocytes are due to suppressive action on a multienzyme system in the energy expenditure system.
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- 389 ラット遊離肝細胞の呼吸活性及び生存率に対するニコチンの効果
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- 地域高齢者のライフスタイル
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- 青森県内のスポーツ施設における中高年者の運動型健康づくりに関する現況
- 地域在宅高齢者における活動能力と社会活動の関連性
- ケアハウスの高齢者に対する呼気筋トレーニングが随意的咳嗽力に及ぼす効果