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国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されましたJapan currently has a system to train highly skilled specialists, with certification starting in 1996.The Japanese Nursing Association grants certification for two kinds of specialists : certified (clinical) nurse specialists (CNSs) and certified expert nurses (CENs). The major roles of certified nurse specialists are clinical practice, education, consulting, coodination, and reserch. In order to take examinations for certification to become certified nurse specialists, candidates must complete a specified master's degree program and have more than three year's experience in their field of specialty out of the five year's experience they have obtained after receiving a nursing license. The major roles of certified expert nurses are clinical practice, guidance and consulting. In order to take examinations for certification to become certified expert nurses, candidates must have more than three year's experience in their field of specialty out of more than five year's experience they have received after obtaining a license, they must also complete a curriculm of more than six months in educational institutions authorized by the Japanese Nusing Association. As of September 1999, there are 15 certified nurse specialists and 259 certifisd expert nurses in Japan. These highly skilled specialists are indispensable in the fields of health care and nursing in Japan due to technological advancement and growing complexity, which will lead these individuals are expected to play an active role in the future of Jpanese medicine.
- 青森県立保健大学の論文
- 代替療法を取り入れるがん患者の医療者への相談状況と期待
- 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の家族の心理社会的問題と看護援助
- 代替療法を取り入れるがん患者の実態
- がん患者の代替療法に対する看護職者の認識
- 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の看護援助に関する研究 (第3報) : 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者を支える上での外来看護の問題と解決への取り組み
- 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の看護援助に関する研究 (第2報) : 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の心理社会的問題に対する看護師の認識と看護援助
- 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の看護援助に関する研究 (第1報) : 外来で化学療法を受ける進行がん患者の心理社会的問題
- 臨床看護の質の向上を目指した教育と方策
- 青森のシャーマニズム文化と精神保健
- 夜間せん妄の基礎知識 (特集 新人ナースマニュアル(2)初めての夜勤で必要な知識と技術) -- (初めての夜勤で必要な知識と技術)
- 痙攣の基礎知識 (特集 新人ナースマニュアル(2)初めての夜勤で必要な知識と技術) -- (初めての夜勤で必要な知識と技術)
- 専門看護師・認定看護師の現況と課題
- 青森県立保健大学における主体的学習者育成システムの現状と課題
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